Product Description
WoodRiver Dust Connection Router Fence Fitting for a 2-1/2″ fitting that can be mounted to a router table fence using the square flange with mounting holes. Use to connect a shop vacuum to your router table or use the flange to mount to a larger dust collection box. These economical fittings will help you build a high performance dust extraction system for your shop. Made of ABS plastic (except for the aluminum blast gates), these fittings are designed to stand up against the abrasive nature of saw dust and wood fiber.
Features: 2-1/2″ Router Fence Dust Extraction Fitting Flange allows for mounting directly to a router table fence or to a larger dust collection box Durable, abrasion resistant construction
Specifications: Size: 2-1/2” OD Opening Material:ABS plastic
What’s Included: (1)WoodRiverDust Connection – 2-1/2″ ABSRouter Fence Fitting
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