The beautifully veneered top and shelf as well as the tasteful details combine to give this small table a very big impact.

At its simplest building a small table involves nothing more than joining four legs to apron rails and then adding a top. But as you can clearly see the construction of this attractive accent table is anything but a run-of-the-mill job. The mortise and tenon frame of the table is really pretty standard — four tapered legs and a “beaded” apron. Making and adding the pattern veneered top and shelf is where the interesting and fun challenge lies. The top and shelf also add a slight twist to the construction. The shelf is captured in notches in the legs during the frame assembly. This means that the shelf has to be completed and fit before the frame can be glued up.

What you get:

  • 12 printable (digital) pages of step-by-step instructions
  • More than 60 full-color photos illustrations and exploded views
  • Detailed techniques on tapering the legs and veneering
  • Materials list cutting diagram and project sources

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